Monday, December 5, 2016

Librarians Reviewing Reference Collection

Over the fall and spring semesters librarians will be reviewing the titles in the reference collection housed on the second floor of the library.  Our goal is to create a more up-to-date and useful collection and free up prime space in order to add student seating.  As each title is examined, we will:
  • ·       Discard physical materials that are outdated or in poor condition,
  • ·       Examine our electronic holdings to determine if more current information is readily available on the topic.  If not, electronic replacements will be considered for purchase as our budget allows,
  • ·       Move those materials that are not outdated, but would prove more useful if available for check-out, to the circulating collection.

If you refer your students to particular titles in this collection and need to have them remain there, please contact your subject liaison, whom you can find here