On Monday April 10th, there will be a scavenger
hunt where you will be able to post “selfies” to social media sites at various
locations around campus. The first 25
participants with all 10 locations posted will win a Marist Library travel
mug, and the first 3 winners with all correct answers will win prizes!
Rules for the scavenger hunt are:
- All locations are on the Marist campus.
- You must take a selfie at each location and the location MUST be easily identifiable.
- All “selfies” must be posted and hash-tagged with #MARISTARCHIVES #LOWELLTHOMAS and tweeted or posted to Facebook
- All contest entrants will come to the Marist Archive and Special Collections found on the first floor of the library to verify their entry and to see if they have won a prize.
- Contest will begin on Monday April 10th at 9:00am and will end by Tuesday April 11th at 9:00am.