Friday, November 11, 2011

Putting the Library in iLearn: Mair Room, Thursday Nov. 17, 1-4 pm.

Come and learn how easy it is to link to the Library’s online articles, books, videos and images this coming Thursday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. This CTE session will be held in Margaret Mair Room in the James A. Cannavino Library.

This will be a practical hands-on session.  You will learn how to copy article links from library databases and embed those links into iLearn "Resources", "Lessons", "Emails", "Forums", etc.  You will be introduced to the Marist iLearn Library Site which contains written instructions and brief instructional videos created by the Library.

The Library has a strong collection of electronic resources that you can use in iLearn including:

  • 5,000+ Online Videos (Documentaries, American History, Counseling & Education)
  • 85,000+ e-books
  • 55,000+ electronic periodicals
  • 1.7 million images (Artstor, etc.)
  • Hundreds of electronic reference resources

Register for this session at the Center for Teaching Excellence Workshops: iLearn Training Workshops page.  (Its the last session at the bottom of the page.)

If you are interested in this topic but have a time conflict, please email and we will arrange to work with you at a more convenient time.