Monday, July 30, 2012

Library Liaisons

The Library Liaison is your contact person for help with any Library service or issue, including:

  • Create a Pathfinder for your class
  • Acquire Library materials
  • Bibliographic Instruction for your class
  • Questions about Interlibrary Loan
For any library-related issue, contact your Liaison.  We look forward to hearing from you.

School of Communications & the Arts
Communication John Ansley x. 5217
Art and Art History Elena Filchagina x. 2108
Fashion Marta Cwik x. 2408
Media Arts Katy Silberger x. 3419
Music John Ansley x. 5217
School of Computer Science & Math
Computer Science/IS/IT Pepper Boetcker x. 2194
Math Judy Diffenderfer x. 3191
School of Liberal Arts
English Katy Silberger x. 3419
Modern Languages Marta Cwik x. 2408
History John Ansley x. 5217
Paralegal Judy Diffenderfer x. 3191
Philosophy & Religion John Ansley x. 5217
Political Science Katy Silberger x. 3419
School of Management
Accounting & Econ/Finance Judy Diffenderfer x. 3191
Business Admin Judy Diffenderfer x.3191
Public Admin Judy Diffenderfer x.3191
School of Science
Athletic Training Katy Silberger x. 3419
Biology Katy Silberger x. 3419
Chemistry Katy Silberger x. 3419
Environmental Science John Ansley x. 5217
Medical Technology Katy Silberger x. 3419
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Criminal Justice Judy Diffenderfer x. 3191
Education Pepper Boetcker x. 3194
Psychology Pepper Boetcker x. 3194
Sociology & Social Work Pepper Boetcker x.3194
Academic Centers
Academic Learning Center Pepper Boetcker x. 2194
Center for Teaching Excellence Katy Silberger x. 3419
Graduate & Continuing Ed Pepper Boetcker x. 2194

Ask us for a custom Library Pathfinder for your class


Would you like to embed a librarian into your iLearn course?  The Library has the tools to create such a “virtual librarian”.  We call it a Library Pathfinder.  You know the content and research needs of your course;  working together we can create a custom Library Pathfinder for your course.


Pathfinders are attractive mini-websites written by librarians in cooperation with faculty to address the research needs of your class.  These customized web-based guides direct students to a focused subset of resources that will help them complete successfully assignments in a given course.  Pathfinders are as easy to use as Google, but guide students to resources appropriate to college level research, including:
        • specific online journal and reference work articles, ebooks, evideos, online images and maps and other online documents. 
        • The most recent news articles (constantly updated)
        • Open source resources
        • Search boxes and links to library databases
        • Tips on conducting successful searches
        • Library instructional videos
        • Link to Ask-a-Librarian (7 days a week email reference service)


If you are interested in having a Pathfinder created for your course, contact your Library Liaison and let us know what you would like. The initial discussion takes about 15 to 20 minutes.  Many faculty send a copy of the assignment, reading list and/or syllabus.  You do NOT need to provide us with URLs to anything the Library owns or subscribes to; just give us enough of a citation so we can clearly identify the resource.   Give us your thoughts on what you might like in the Pathfinder.  After two or three days we will send you a link to a draft for your critique.  We will then make revisions based on your feedback.
There is no set format for what a Pathfinder should be.  Some faculty want to use the Pathfinder as an electronic reserve reading list.  Others want a few databases highlighted with tips about how to run successful searches.  The content of your Pathfinder is completely faculty driven.
If you want additions or changes made to the Pathfinder after you start using it in class, that can happen fairly quickly.
Pathfinders can be created for classes currently underway, or they can be developed for classes being taught in future semesters.  We will work at whatever pace suits you.  We can keep the Pathfinders from being displayed publicly until the moment is right for you.


Each Pathfinder has a unique URL.  We (or Academic Technology) can help you embed the Pathfinder into your iLearn Course.  There is also a main page for Pathfinders,  Students can locate the Pathfinder they need by the subject category.


The Library also is creating Pathfinders for subjects that are frequently asked at the Reference Desk.  For example. we  recently published the Citation Style Pathfinder ( that provides links to resources about APA, MLA, CSE, Chicago/Turbian styles, as well as a page devoted to Zotero.  Even if you do not request a Pathfinder be created for your class, you may want to direct your students to a subject Pathfinder.